Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Escape The Rat Race: Be Saved By His Grace

This life is so fleeting
There’s so much competing
Like rats, hurrying
In a race, scurrying

Shopping for this
To give us such bliss
As we finish our lap
It’s time for a nap

No lasting happiness
Tomorrow’s more scrappiness
O how we long for
What seems to be lore

But it is to be had
And oh, aren’t we glad
When we’ve found what we need
That satisfies indeed

What wonderful grace
Bestowed on our race
From Heaven abouve
The purest of love

He came from heaven glorious
To earth so censorious
He acted in great love
As gently as a dove

But we all were so mocking
And utterly shocking
The guilt we all share
In his death and despair

For three days lay he
As dead as could be
But on that third day
Death could no more have its say

And on that bright morn
No time to forlorn
Christ is risen from the tomb
Rejoice, no more gloom

In Him we can find all
There is no need to stall
He takes us as we are
No need to be a star

And when heavenward bound
Even while on this cold ground
Warmed by his love
We can rise above

The cares of this life
Full of envy and strife
While we focus on His face
Saved by His amazing Grace

Words of this poem written by Heidi